Education and Wisdom
Dear Brothers and Sisters, without education, there is no future. Promoting education is a great sign of hope for every people and nation. But what kind of education do we need to build a future of peace and prosperity? We need an education that introduces the new generations to a deep relationship with the whole reality. We need knowledge and Wisdom. Wisdom is the gift we need to enter a harmonious relationship with people and things and build good not only for oneself but for everyone, with profound respect for creation and the environment. God created everything with Wisdom. And he wants us to learn to use all things wisely to be men and women capable of building a better and more fraternal world.
I say to you, students, make good use of these unique years of your life. The time of youth is unrepeatable. You have school experiences that will decide your future. You have the time and tools to learn about life in all its aspects. You can have many relationships with different people. Learn Wisdom, tolerance, respect, and acceptance of all people. Learn to love and promote the common good. Never let yourself be stopped by difficulties. Do not be afraid of problems that may seem big to you. Remember that you are never alone. Your families are there, ready to support you. There are your teachers who accompany you every day. Always have faith in life. Trust in God, who created us for happiness and to live together as brothers and sisters.
I want to remind you, teachers, of the beauty of educational work. You are entrusted with these young people who are society's and the world's future; they are the promise of a more just and peaceful world. Take care in the educational relationship. It is not just a question of transmitting knowledge but of arousing dreams, questions, and desires for good in the hearts of young people. We need words of Wisdom that enable us to have a new inspired vision for the future. I wish you to experience the beauty of being an educator every day. Educating is giving of oneself. It is a matter of the heart and communicating essential values to the new generations. Be happy to be educators of the youth.
I ask you, parents, to look to the school with confidence. Education can only take place in the profound harmony between family and school. The first educational responsibility certainly always rests with the parents. Your children are the greatest gift that God has entrusted to you. But the reality of school is an essential aid to parents so that their children learn to recognize their vocation and grow up at the service of society. Parents' joy lies in seeing their children grow up in love, Wisdom, and Grace, leading them to true and lasting happiness.
God loves each of us —students, parents, families, teachers, and staff. God will never let his Wisdom be lacking for the educational experience to be effective. We trust in the Lord and walk daily on the way to good.
With my Blessings,
Bishop Paolo Martinelli OFM Cap
Apostolic Vicar Of Southern Arabia
Principal’s Message

“While educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their heart” – Dalai Lama
Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who don’t rest on past laurels. St. Joseph’s School, Abu Dhabi started its journey in the year 1967 with an aim to provide quality education to the students, especially girls, empowering them to be academically oriented, financially independent, socially conscious, morally upright and emotionally balanced. St. Joseph’s School is an amalgamation of exceptionally dedicated and talented teachers, an experienced and efficient management, a safe and nurturing environment that is spread across academics, sports, artistic and social opportunities for its students.
We believe in creating a culture within the school where all our stakeholders are confident in receiving the best in education. Since our student population is multi-cultural and multi linguistic, we teach our students, the importance of love, respect and acceptance for each other’s language and culture. Discipline, values and integrity are the foundations of this Institution. We always encourage, persuade and mentor our students to achieve their highest potential and our mission is to provide a platform for the same. St. Joseph’s School’s vision is to produce conscientious, confident and productive humans who will go out into the world and lead.
Learning is a lifelong process and we aim to equip our students at every step in this journey.
Sr. Suranjana (Prestina Rocha)
Vice Principal’s Message

The Ripple Effect
I alone cannot change the world.
But I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. – Mother Teresa
Throw a stone into a pool of water. Then watch the ripples begin… Circle after circle, the swirls move out, spreading, travelling out in an ever expanding ring, wider, farther… Then they TOUCH something before they slowly vanish. The little agents that cause the ripple are the ones that carry the Magic of “Touch”
- A word of comfort…
- A caring deed…
- An advice at the right moment…
- An act of kindness in times of need…
- A helping hand to ease the burden…
- A smile to cheer the lonely…
- An understanding heart to warm the lowly…
These are some of the pebbles that make the positive ripples that can “make a change” that Mother Teresa dreamed of and practiced; a sound example for all to follow. To realize this and to act is the need of the hour.
We carry within us this capacity; the capacity to make a difference in small ways, for better or for worse. The “Negative Pebbles” can cause the same kind of ripples as the positives…
In James W. Foley’s words,
Drop an unkind word or careless; in a minute you forget,
But there’s little waves a-flowing and there’s ripples circling yet.
And perhaps in some sad heart, a mighty wave of tears you’ve stirred,
And disturbed a happy life; ere you dropped that unkind word!
So the word of caution here is to be a “positive pebble”.
Keep your thoughts pure, your words kind, your deeds caring and let your intensions be always good.
Be a ‘drop’ to make a joyous ripple.
Sr. Minette
Vice Principal